2022 07 27 Pr Nexans H1 2022

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :





Record-high EBITDA, net income and ROCE performances, underpinned by strong momentum and Nexans' transformation platform
The combination of transformation plan & strategic choices prove their efficiency &
o The Amplify & SHIFT programs deliver an additional 25 million euro EBITDA impact o Outstanding high quality 2.2 billion euro adjusted Generation & Transmission backlog 1 up 51%
versus end-June 2021
o Closing of Centelsa acquisition, in line with Electrification Pure Player strategy o Preferred bidder for EuroAsia interconnector, awarded BorWin6 and Revolution offshore wind projects
Latest strategic investments Charleston plant and Nexans Aurora vessel fully operational
Full-year 2022 Guidance upgraded:
o EBITDA range of 560-590 million euros (from 500-540 million euros)
o Normalized Free Cash Flow between 200 and 250 million euros (from 150-200 million euros)
Carbon neutrality targets validated by the SBTi2

(in millions of euros)

H1 2021

H1 2022

Sales at current metal prices
Sales at standard metal prices3
Organic growth
EBITDA as a % of standard sales
Operating margin
Reorganization costs
Other operating items
Operating income (loss)
Net financial expense
Income taxes
Net Income (loss)
Net debt
Normalized free cash-flow

Dans la boutique

2021 07 28 Nexans H1 2021 Consolidated Statements
2021 07 28 Nexans H1 2021 Consolidated Statements
19/08/2024 - www.nexans.com
The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication. 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.1. Consolidated financial statements .................................................................................. 2 6.1.1. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 2 6.1.2. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME .............................................................................................

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-4.2% -24%

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2018 05 03 Pr Nexans Q1 2018
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