2023 Nexans Universal Registration Document

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Universal registration document


Including the integrated report and the financial report

Table of Contents
Integrated Report

1 Nexans: A Leading Group and Global
Player in Sustainable Electrification

2 Positioned to Seize Megatrends and Lead the Energy Transition

Financial and Extra-Financial Performance
Joint interview with Christopher Guérin, CEO, and
Jean Mouton, Chairman of the Board of Directors



3 A Strategy in Tune with

the Electrification Industry's
Challenges and Opportunities



4 Corporate Social Responsibility at Nexans:
Empowered by the E3 Business
Performance Model


5 A Strong and Agile Leadership


6 A Unique Business Model


Dans la boutique

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30/06/2016 - www.nexans.com
209D4686 FR0000044448-DD4686 26 Août 2009 INFORMATION Déclaration individuelle relative aux opérations des personnes mentionnées à l article L.621-18-2 du Code monétaire et financier sur les titres de la société LA PRESENTE DECLARATION N A PAS FAIT L OBJET D UN CONTROLE DE L AMF ET EST ETABLIE SOUS LA RESPONSABILITE EXCLUSIVE DU DECLARANT. NEXANS DECLARANT : Jacques VILLEMUR, Membre du Comité Exécutif INSTRUMENT FINANCIER : Actions NATURE DE L OPÉRATION : Acquisition (abondement...

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The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication. 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6.1. Consolidated financial statements .................................................................................. 2 6.1.1. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 2 6.1.2. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME .............................................................................................

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