2023 07 26 Nexans H1 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

1.1. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS..............................................................2
1.1.1. Consolidated income statement................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income ..................................................................................... 3
1.1.3. Consolidated balance sheet ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4. Consolidated statement of changes in equity............................................................................................... 5
1.1.5. Consolidated statement of cash flows .......................................................................................................... 6
1.1.6. Notes to the consolidated financial statements ........................................................................................... 7

The limited review procedures were carried out and the Statutory Auditors' report is being issued at the date of the results publication.

1.1. Consolidated financial statements
1.1.1. Consolidated income statement
(in millions of euros)



1st semester 2023






Cost of sales

1st semester 2022




Administrative and selling expenses



R&D costs

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