2024 02 15 Presentation Nexans Fy 2023 Earnings

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Christopher Guérin, CEO
Jean-Christophe Juillard, Deputy CEO & CFO
February 15, 2024  Paris


Safe Harbour
This presentation contains forward-looking statements which are subject to various expected or unexpected risks and uncertainties that could have a material impact on the
Company's future performance.
Readers are also invited to visit the Group's website where they can view and download Nexans' Universal Registration
Document,which includes a description of the Group's risk factors.
NB: any discrepancies are due to rounding.

Contact: Elodie Robbe-Mouillot
Telephone: +33 1 78 15 03 87
Email: elodie.robbe-mouillot@nexans.com

Nexans 2024 © All right Reserved

Page 2


Nexans to acquire iconic La Triveneta Cavi in Italy

Founded in 1965, primarily manufacturing low-voltage cables, mainly for the European market.
A profitable player with best-in-class innovation and industrial platforms to complement Nexans' existing medium-voltage operations in Italy and expand the Group's presence in value- added markets:
 Buildings (residential, commercial, and industrial)
 Renewable energy (photovoltaic, solar and wind farms)
 Industrial applications
The Group will leverage its integrated business model and proven integration capabilities to accelerate La Triveneta
Cavi's growth in the building wire, fire-retardant and renewable energy sectors.

 In-house copper drawing facility


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