Processing Recommendation Duropal Hpl Compact Duropal Compac... Im0027719

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April 2022

Duropal HPL Compact
Duropal Compact Worktop


These processing recommendations apply in principle to all Pfleiderer / Duropal Compact panels; differentiated instructions are always associated with the individual product name for the product groups Duropal HPL Compact (half-format) or Duropal Compact worktop (ready-made).

Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51
92318 Neumarkt


+49 (0) 9181 28 - 480
+49 (0) 9181 28 - 482 www.

Page 1 of 15

April 2022


SAFETY ..................................................................................................................... 3


TRANSPORTATION .................................................................................................. 3


TRANSPORT PACKAGING ....................................................................................... 4


STORAGE, HANDLING AND CONDITIONING .......................................................... 4


TOOLS AND MATERIALS ......................................................................................... 5


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