Prohpl Icdli Technical Leaflet Im0020433

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October 19

ICDLI / proHPL  Technical Leaflets
The International Committee of the Decorative Laminates Industry (ICDLI) and the proHPL
Fachgruppe Dekorative Schichtstoffplatten  - a network of HPL producers in German-speaking countries, are expert committees of renowned manufacturers of decorative laminates. They pool their expertise on technical and communicative topics relating to HPL materials, their properties, processing and use.
As a committee member, in addition to our own information and documents, we would like to point out the technical information and leaflets published by the ICDLI and proHPL.
You will find these under:

PM HPL/elements
© Copyright 2019 Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH / Pfleiderer Polska sp. z o.o.
This information has been compiled with the greatest care. Nevertheless we can assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of this information.
Colour deviations caused by the printing technology are possible. In view of the ongoing further development and adaptation of our products, possible amendments to the relevant standards, laws and regulations, our technical data sheets and product documentation expressly do not constitute a legally binding assurance of the properties described there. In particular no guarantee of suitability for a concrete application can be derived. It is therefore the personal responsibility of the individual user in all cases to check the processing and suitability of the products described in this document for the intended application in advance, and to take into consideration the legal framework and the respective state-of-the-art. We furthermore expressly draw attention to the applicability of our General Terms and Conditions.

Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51
92318 Neumarkt


+49 (0) 9181 28 - 480
+49 (0) 9181 28 - 482 www.

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Technical Data Decoboard P2 Carb2 Im0028748
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November 2022 Technical data DecoBoard P2 CARB2 Emission-reduced particleboard, with decorative melamine resin facing on both sides, awarded with the Blue Angel. Applications Furniture and interior fitting Properties Variety of decors and / or textures Easy care Food harmless Particularly low emission Antimicrobial Certificates Specification Nominal thickness Unit 8 10 13 Length- and width tolerance Length- and width tolerance (precut panels) Flatness Edge damage Edge damage (pre-cut...

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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