Cradle To Cradle Certified R Bronze Im0029589

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Pfleiderer Deutschland
has successfully achieved Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze for the product(s) under the name:

PrimeBoard and DecoBoard
Certification Number

Standard Version


Lead Assessment Body

EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees &

DecoBoard has over 30,000 variations due to the different thicknesses, formats and decors plus structures.
PrimeBoard has one structure and one format with several lacquering/coating finishes (colors) to to make up 2500 variations.
Attributes that affect the variations:
" Structures - different press plates give the structure of the surface
" Thicknesses - the specifications are the same for all possible variations of the Prime Board
" Formats - same panels only produced or cut in different widths, lengths
" Decorative elements

Material Health
Assessment Body

EPEA GmbH - Part of Drees &
Effective Date

15 March 2023
Expiration Date

27 September 2024

Susan Klosterhaus, Ph.D.
Vice President, Science and Certification
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute

See the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Registry at for additional details
Use of the certification marks is subject to the terms and conditions of the C2CPII Certification Agreement and Trademark Use Guidelines.
Cradle to Cradle Certified is a registered trademark of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute

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