Product Information Writability Of Duropal High Pressure Lam... Im0027924

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May 22

Writability of Duropal High Pressure Laminate, DecoBoard and PrimeBoard XTreme

Lettering offers opportunities to set individual accents or to bring current themes "to the wall".
The Pfleiderer products Duropal high-pressure laminate, DecoBoard and PrimeBoard XTreme are ideal for this purpose, as they are easy to clean and resistant to common household cleaners.
In various decors and structures, the products are suitable for writing with chalk, liquid chalk or whiteboard markers and thus offer a wide range of possible uses.

Table of contents
WRITABILITY WITH CHALK ................................................................................................. 2
WRITABILITY WITH LIQUID CHALK .................................................................................... 4
WRITABILITY WITH WHITEBOARD-MARKER..................................................................... 6

Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51
92318 Neumarkt


+49 (0) 9181 28 - 480
+49 (0) 9181 28 - 482 www.

Page 1 of 9

May 22


Chalk is available in various colours and designs. Chalk is particularly well known for its use in schools, but it also offers opportunities to communicate current information, e.g. restaurant offers, in a striking way.

Test procedure for writability and cleaning
White and coloured chalk is applied with low pressure on differently structured surfaces with dark uni decor (U12000). The chalk application is evaluated in terms of opacity, writability and adhesion. Cleaning is carried out after 4 minutes, 2 hours, 48 hours and 120 hours using a dry and a damp microfibre cloth. The evaluation of the criteria and the results are listed in the following table.

ð· Opacity: the ability of a colour to cover the existing substrate
ð· Describability: the effort with which a surface can be labelled

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