20240510 Deceuninck Share Buyback

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Press release
Regulated information
Friday 10 May 2024 at 8.20 PM CET

Disclosure of share buy-back program
The Board of Directors of Deceuninck has decided to initiate a share buy-back program within the limits of the authorization to buy back own shares as granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of
Deceuninck on April 28th 2020.
The purpose of the share buy-back program is to satisfy obligations arising from share purchase and warrant plans allocated to the management and employees of Deceuninck and to be able to offer these again in the future.
The maximum number of shares that Deceuninck will buy back is limited to 850,000 shares and there is a maximum amount of 2,380,000 EUR allocated to the buy-back program. The share buy-back program will run from May 13th to June 10th 2024 or until the fixed number of shares has been repurchased.
The buy-back program will be implemented in accordance with the safe harbour  procedure provided by the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (Market Abuse Regulation) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 supplementing the Market
Abuse Regulation for 350.000 shares, while the remaining part will be purchased outside of the stock exchange at closing price as per May 10th 2024. The execution of the buy-back program of the 350.000
shares will be performed by an independent intermediary who will have a discretionary mandate to execute the buy-back. As a result, the repurchases can take place in both open and closed periods.
Deceuninck will inform the market on the progress of the buy-back program in accordance with the applicable regulations.

End of press release
About Deceuninck
Founded in 1937, Deceuninck is a top 3 independent manufacturer of PVC and composite profiles for windows and doors.
Headquartered in Hooglede-Gits (BE), Deceuninck is organized in 3 geographical segments: Europe, North America and
Turkey & Emerging Markets. Deceuninck operates 17 vertically integrated manufacturing facilities, which together with 16
sales and distribution entities guarantee the necessary service and response time to Customers. Deceuninck strongly focuses on innovation, sustainability and reliability. Deceuninck is listed on Euronext Brussels ( DECB ).
Contact Deceuninck: Hannes Debecker " T +32 51 239 587 " Investor.Relations@deceuninck.com


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