20240604 Deceuninck Appointment Stefaan Haspeslagh As New CEO

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Press release
Regulated information  Inside information
Wednesday June 4th 2024 at 6 PM CET

Deceuninck announces appointment of Stefaan Haspeslagh as new CEO
Deceuninck (Euronext: DECB) announced today that its Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Stefaan
Haspeslagh as the new Company's Chief Executive Officer, effective June 10th, 2024. Mr. Haspeslagh will succeed Mr. Francis Van Eeckhout, who was acting as CEO a.i. next to his role as Executive
Chairman, following the departure of Mr. Bruno Humblet on February 29th, 2024.
Mr. Haspeslagh is a senior executive with 20 years of experience in several industries, including amongst others machinery, agriculture, mechanical engineering, electronics, plastic piping and energy.
Stefaan Haspeslagh holds a Master's degree in Applied Economics from the University of Antwerp,
Belgium. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Financial Officer of the Picanol Group
(Picanol NV), Belgium, from 2010 until 2022. In addition, Stefaan Haspeslagh has also been Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Tessenderlo Group
NV, Belgium, from 2014 until the end of December 2023.
Francis Van Eeckhout, Executive Chairman, stated: On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend a warm welcome to Stefaan. His leadership, track record in innovation, talent development and deep knowledge of the manufacturing industry make him an interesting addition to our team. We eagerly anticipate collaborating closely with him as we fortify and expand our mission and purpose, driven by our commitment to serving the interests of our customers. The Board has full confidence that Stefaan,
alongside the rest of the leadership team, will ensure the robust execution of our strategy, leveraging our product leadership and capitalizing on the significant opportunities that lie ahead for Deceuninck. 
On his appointment, Mr. Haspeslagh commented, It's an honor to join Deceuninck. I am very excited to get to work and partner with the outstanding executive team and all colleagues in order to lead the company into the future. I am grateful that the Board has given me the opportunity to lead this great company with its people and technologies that are at the forefront of innovative high-performance solutions for sustainable living. 
Until the end of August 2024, Francis Van Eeckhout will co-manage the Company, after that he will regain his role as Executive Chairman.

End of press release
About Deceuninck
Founded in 1937, Deceuninck is a top 3 independent manufacturer of PVC and composite profiles for windows and doors.
Headquartered in Hooglede-Gits (BE), Deceuninck is organized in 3 geographical segments: Europe, North America and
Turkey & Emerging Markets. Deceuninck operates 17 vertically integrated manufacturing facilities, which together with 16
sales and distribution entities guarantee the necessary service and response time to Customers. Deceuninck strongly focuses on innovation, sustainability and reliability. Deceuninck is listed on Euronext Brussels ( DECB ).
Contact Deceuninck: Hannes Debecker " T +32 51 239 587 " Investor.Relations@deceuninck.com


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