W Clevises 2023

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Clevises and bolts
Notes on storage, construction, and operation



ASK Clevises and bolts are provided with a corrosion protection agent and can be stored in the original packaging at temperatures between 10°C and 40°C and a relative humidity of less than 60% for several years. During storage, care must be taken to ensure that the cartons are not exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the storage temperatures may be exceeded.



A clevis is an element for static force transmission. Clevises are used as connecting elements for simple linear movements such as pushing and pulling. Spring lynch pins or split pins are used for fastening. Clevises are available in many sizes and material variants such as steel or stainless steel.
DIN 71752 defines the dimensions, designations, and tolerances of clevises / fork elements. This includes clevises that are used in windscreen wiper drives, accelerator, clutch or brake gears as well as on carburetors and serve as part of a linkage for the transmission of linear movements.
Our ASK clevises are optionally available with spring loaded pins or split pins. Choose from our wide range of bore diameters from 4mm to 50mm.



The temperature of the unit must be between -10°C and +80°C during operation.


Recycling of clevises and bolts

Before recycling clevises and bolts, clean them and check the general condition of the individual parts.

For further questions, we recommend our knowledgebase at www.askubal.de

© 2023 ASK Kugellagerfabrik Artur Seyfert GmbH
This work is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Copying or reprinting, in whole or in part, is prohibited..

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