
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Data protection is important to us!

Data Protection Information of WILO SE
Data protection is very important to WILO SE. With this information, we give you an overview of which data we process from you in a transparent form. In particular, we inform you about

General information on data protection
Data processing on our website
Your rights as a data subject

A. General information on data protection

Name and address of the Data Controller

For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection laws in the member states and other applicable data protection provisions, the
Data Controller is:
Wilopark 1
44263 Dortmund
Tel.: + 49 231 4102 - 0
E-Mail: wilo@wilo.com
Website: www.wilo.com
The Data Controller has appointed the following Data Protection Officer:
The Data Protection Officer of WILO SE, Germany
Wilopark 1
44263 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 231 4102-0
E-Mail: data-privacy@wilo.com

II. General information on data processing

Scope of the processing of personal data

We only collect and use our user's personal data to the extent necessary to provide a functioning website, contents and services. We basically only collect and use our user's personal data after having obtained the user's consent. An exception applies in cases when the user's consent cannot be obtained for factual reasons and the processing of the data is permitted by law.

Dans la boutique

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Data protection is important to us! Data Protection Information of WILO SE Data protection is very important to WILO SE. With this information, we give you an overview of which data we process from you in a transparent form. In particular, we inform you about A. B. C. General information on data protection Data processing on our website Your rights as a data subject A. General information on data protection I. Name and address of the Data Controller For the purposes of the General Data Protection...

23/09/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
ZERTIFIKAT T?V S?D-EME-0012.2016.004 Dem Unternehmen WILO SE Wilopark 1 44263 Dortmund wird bescheinigt, dass die WILO-Stratos MAXO WILO-Stratos PICO plus die Anforderungen des T?V S?D Standards EME  Energy and Media Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, Rev. 1.2, Ausgabe August 2018 f?r den Geltungsbereich Energieeffizienz erf?llt. Das Unternehmen ist daher berechtigt, das T?V S?D  Pr?fzeichen Energie- und Medieneffizienz  f?r die genannte Baureihe zu verwenden. Eine Anwendung auf andere...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Declaration of Performance Wilo-Port 600 2118032.01 DE - LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG .......................................................................................... 3 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE............................................................................. 5 FR - DÉCLARATION DES PERFORMANCES ......................................................................... 7 ES - DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIONES...............................................................................

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
DE - LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG / VERORDNUNG (EU) Nr. 305/2011 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE / REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011 FR - DECLARATION DE PERFORMANCE / REGLEMENT (UE) N° 305/2011 Ref. 2117924.01 1. Eindeutiger Kenncode des Produkttyps: Unique identification code of the product-type: / Code d'identification unique du produit type: Fäkalienhebeanlage zur begrenzten Verwendung Lifting plant for limited applications for faecal wastewater Stations de relevage à application limitée pour effluents...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Declaration of Performance AVU 2155987.01 DE - LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG ......................................................................................... 3 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 4 FR - DÉCLARATION DES PERFORMANCES ........................................................................ 5 ES - DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIONES ........................................................................... 6 IT...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
Leistungserklärung ...........................................................................................................2 Declaration of Performance................................................................................................5 DECLARATION DE PERFORMANCE.......................................................................................8 2117856.01 1/10 Deutsch Leistungserklärung No. 2117856.01 (internes Dokument CE-AS-Sheet 6051250) (1) & (2) Eindeutiger Kenncode...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com
DE - LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG / VERORDNUNG (EU) Nr. 305/2011 EN - DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE / REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011 FR - DECLARATION DE PERFORMANCE / REGLEMENT (UE) N° 305/2011 Ref. 2117922.01 1. Eindeutiger Kenncode des Produkttyps: Unique identification code of the product-type: / Code d'identification unique du produit type: Abwasserhebeanlage für fäkalienfreies Abwasser zur begrenzten Verwendung Lifting plant for limited applications for faecal-free wastewater Stations de relevage à applications...

12/08/2024 - cms.media.wilo.com

09/04/2011 - www.yamakado.com
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