
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Quality Guideline for Suppliers of WILO SE, WILO EMU GmbH and WILO EMUPORT GmbH (WILO)



General items
With its high product quality and its extensive quality management system, WILO
wants to permanently comply with the high expectations of its customers.
For the production of its pumps and pump systems, WILO buys to a great extent parts and components from subsuppliers.
The quality and reliability of the purchased goods are decisive factors for the quality of the WILO products. The suppliers therefore play a decisive role in the fulfilment of the high expectations of the WILO-customers.


Objective and purpose
Since the suppliers have a great influence on the quality of the WILO products,
beside the aspects of pricing and delivery performance the quality capability of the supplier is very important.
WILO is anxious to close delivery contracts with capable suppliers only, in order to establish and develop a cooperation in partnership with these suppliers.
This quality guideline determines general quality capability requirements of the
WILO suppliers. This quality guideline is an integral part of the delivery contract and therefore binding to the suppliers.
The supplier commits itself to pass on appropriate requirements from this guideline to his subsuppliers or to make up own requirements in order to comply with the requirements of this quality guideline.
WILO reserves the right to agree with the supplier on a quality assurance arrangement with special requirements concerning the process and product quality if further specifications become necessary.


This guideline applies for all suppliers of parts and components.
The quality guideline - in the version valid at the time of the order - applies.


Supplier qualification


Selection, evaluation and authorization of suppliers
WILO only buys material from suppliers which had been authorized for delivery. The authorization of suppliers is granted after a positive result of the defined supplier

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