
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

TÜV SÜD-EME-0012.2016.001
For the company
Nortkirchenstraße 100
44263 Dortmund hereby it is certified that the series

WILO Stratos
comply with the requirements of the TÜV SÜD Standard
EME  Energy and Media Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability,
rev. 1.1, Edition 05/2016
for the scope of

Energy Efficiency
The company is entitled to use the TÜV SÜD  certification mark
Energy- and Media Efficiency 
for the above mentioned series.
This certificate is specific to the machines listed above and does not apply to any other equipment.

This certificate is based on test report number: 2610599-00
This certificate is valid to: 16/10/2019.

Munich, October 17, 2016

Certification Body
Energy Systems

(Michael Dey)


TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH, Westendstr. 199, 80686 Munich, Germany

Dans la boutique

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