Brochure Safety 48p 03 2019 En LoRes

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Understanding safety all the way.
Executing your project in complete safety.

for your site by Doka

The Formwork Experts.

Understanding that healthy workers accomplish more in a safe working environment!

As partner for your project _ understanding safety is an all-inclusive issue for us. Covering not just Doka Safety Systems, this understanding embraces everything from product development through safety consulting to the extensive range of services we offer.
At Doka, solutions featuring all-round safety are an integral part of our product philosophy and they make construction sites more productive.


Safety & Health

Safety & health are important preconditions for productive, quality work.

Safety and health are two essential factors in our daily (working) life.
They can be considered independently of each other  but a professional safety concept takes both equally into account.

Ergonomic solutions
§§ pre-assembly work at ground level / assembling tools
§§ move tables the easy way / DoKart plus
§§ work on in any weather / protection screens
§§ multi-trip packaging / bolt-on castors

We help your workers stay healthy by bringing them ergonomic solutions  formwork that is easy to use, ergonomic work routines carried out at floor level, and much more. Our solutions save time and effort, and they also ease the strain on each worker s entire musculoskeletal system.
Healthiness is essential for safety at work. Healthy workers accomplish more.

Healthy site crew
§§ motivation higher
§§ absenteeism lower
§§ performance better

28 April  World Day for Safety

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