Code%20of%20Conduct EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Dear employee,
The term compliance  is ubiquitous in business life today. Compliance refers to a company's obligation to adhere to existing laws and rules set by legislators and supervisory authorities and to ensure their observance with appropriate measures. This also includes rules that a company and its owners impose on themselves.
Compliance plays an important role for us: On the one hand, domestic and foreign legislators,
authorities and insurers, banks, customers and suppliers place high demands on us in terms of compliance. On the other hand, we at Viega have also always attached great importance to compliance with the law as well as fulfilling our own rules and our high ethical standards as a family business. Of course, all requirements can only be met if everyone at Viega pulls together  and if,
in addition, the organization is set up accordingly to enable or facilitate our compliance with all rules.
We are consistently committed to this.
The basis for this is formed by our Viega values, which can only be lived if we behave according to the law and the rules.
This Code of Conduct gives you a good overview of what we pay particular attention to in compliance and which rules are decisive for us  also in our dealings with each other and with others.
It is binding for every single employee.
We expect you to familiarise yourself with our Code of Conduct and to actively support us in its implementation in the future.
Best wishes,

Walter Viegener Anna Viegener Franz Viegener Claus Holst-Gydesen

Viega Code of conduct




Our responsibility for compliance

The Viega values

Our social responsibility

Our responsibility as a business partner

Our responsibility in the workplace

Dans la boutique

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