1560 1699017021

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Cork and Cork Oak Forest



Montado (Cork oak Forest) and Cork Oak tree
Cork in its different growing stages




Cork harvesting
Cork pile before and after treatment

Cork and Cork Oak Forest
Cork is the outer bark of the Cork Oak tree (Quercus suber
L), a slow growing tree from the Mediterranean basin,
with a lifespan of around 200 years. Cork is a completely natural raw material, with unique properties that give it an unrivalled character. It is completely biodegradable,
renewable and recyclable.
The harvesting of this unique raw material is done without ever cutting or damaging the tree and has a positive impact on the environment, as the cork oak tree plays a central role in the development of the Mediterranean region.
The Montado (cork oak forest) is one of the world's 36
biodiversity hotspots, perfectly adapted to the warm climate and arid soil, protecting against erosion and desertification. The Cork Oak Forest also provides an essential contribution to the air quality, by absorbing carbon dioxide.
In fact, cork's ability to retain CO ‚ is truly remarkable  it is estimated that for each ton of cork produced, the cork oak forest can retain up to 73 tons of CO ‚, a vital contribution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the main cause of climate change.

ORIGEM capsule collection

Origem captures the essence of the colours from the
Montado, the fragile and important ecosystem where cork has its origins. The greens and oranges are the background tones of this landscape, that slowly changes its hues each

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1560 1699017021
1560 1699017021
06/08/2024 - www.wicanders.com
Cork and Cork Oak Forest A C A C Montado (Cork oak Forest) and Cork Oak tree Cork in its different growing stages B D B D Cork harvesting Cork pile before and after treatment Cork and Cork Oak Forest Cork is the outer bark of the Cork Oak tree (Quercus suber L), a slow growing tree from the Mediterranean basin, with a lifespan of around 200 years. Cork is a completely natural raw material, with unique properties that give it an unrivalled character. It is completely biodegradable, renewable...

1559 1699017021
1559 1699017021
06/08/2024 - www.wicanders.com
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