Lammhults Brochure Sff2023 Digital Spreads

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News 2023 & Selected Works


Furniture that lightens the mood

Liberatingly simple yet decidedly expressive and optimistic, this year's two new products embody the cross between the colourful pop aesthetics and the functional modernism that is Lammhults' DNA. With its boldly curved yet invitingly soft lines, Note's new Bau is a refreshingly informal easy chair and modular seating series. Ciao by Gunilla Allard is a table that manages to balance expressiveness with lightness and crisp elegance.
It's no coincidence that Bau and Ciao rhyme.
Indeed, the two furniture pieces go really well together. Not by resembling each other but by affirming and enhancing each other's distinct personalities. Gunilla Allard and Note each developed their respective works while having insight into the other's processes.
This year, Lammhults will also launch a fully upholstered version of the comfortable Grade
Plus chair by Johannes Foersom and Peter
I can't look at Bau and Ciao without smiling. They make me think that sustainability isn't just a matter of materials; it's about aesthetics, too. In other words, I think they're two furniture pieces that will spread joy for a long time to come. 
 Åsa van Drumpt, CEO, Lammhults.

News 2023

BAU Modular seating
CIAO Table




News 2023 & Selected Works


Easy chair

Dans la boutique

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