News 03.2011 (En print)

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Demountable partitions and office furniture

You can now install full-height solid partitions, in an edge-to-edge style, using 12mm melamine panels, with special Satine edge. Perfect mounting, quick and easy to install, and at a very affordable price : you will meet all market's expectations.
Thick PVC-edge


With our new self-positionable clips, you do not need any tools to position and install panels onto the ABCD Satine system.

Clip system

You can combine different styles to get different effects : for example, using the « edgeto-edge » system on one side will give your partition real class, while the use of jointcovers will give a more classical effect.

All ABCD news can be downloaded on our website
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