New website, try it !

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03. 2010

New website, tr y it !

Demountable partitions and office furniture

New open wall starts
As a wall start, to replace the combination « stud + end plate + joint-covers », we offer you now the open runner with standard joint-covers, resulting in a price decrease of 15% on the Partition 40 and 23% on the Parition 26 (in anodised or white finish)
The new runners will be anodised for a better clipping of the joint-covers.

Identical installation procedure for solid or glazed walls
On glazed P26

On solid P40
Lisse ouverte de 40 (EP LO4)
Open 40mm runner (EP LO4)

Couvre-joint plat de 26mm (EP CJ2)
26 mm flat joint-cover (EP CJ2)

Couvre-joint plat de 40mm (EP CJ4)
40 mm flat joint-cover (EP CJ4)

Available from March, 1st 2010 :
Profiles available in 2m65, 2m90, 3m15, and 5m80 for our systems P26 Evolution and P40 Evolution.
Except when specified otherwise, quotations and order confirmations will be made with the open runners as wall starts.
All our ABCD News are available on our website

4 - 6, rue des Carriers Italiens - Z.A.C. Centre Ville - 91350 Grigny
Tél. : +(33)1 69 02 44 00 - Fax : +(33)1 69 02 44 01
E-mail :

Dans la boutique

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