Reimagining The Office Final 100dpi Tcm17 104272

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

imagining the office





Redefining User Experience  transforming work into personalized experiences


Redesigning Spaces  a shift towards adaptable and fit-for-purpose environments


Reinventing Office as a Service  a new mindset to see the office as a platform for services


Rethinking Sustainability  making sustainability transparent and encouraging users to better behavior


The office has broken its physical boundaries. It is time to reimagine it as an experience and innovation platform and make the user experience customized and seamless with smart building solutions and ecosystems.
The history of the office has always been one of evolution, successfully adapting to changes caused by technological, knowledge-based, or material advances.
Today, fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional office needs to be reinvented. Remote work has become an accepted option for many people and organizations, prompting them to re-examine their office-first work model. Some

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