Wilkhahn ON AFRDI Green Tick Certificate

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Certificate No.

Furntech-AFRDI Approved to AFRDI
Standard 150:2012(Mar)  Sustainability


*Check website www.furntech.org.au for current certification status

Nominal Expiry*
7 December 2026

Standard: Commercial Furniture

Wilkhahn, Wilkening & Hahne Pty. Ltd.

Product Name:

ON Task Chair
Models 174/7, 174/71, 175/7, 175/71
as nominated by supplier

Site of Assembly:

Wilkhahn Asia Pacific, Sydney

AFRDI Level:

A  Platinum
(recognised as GBCA Level A)

AFRDI Green Tick certification is based on the above Standard (at the level indicated) and any additional testing and/or assessment conducted by Furntech-AFRDI during auditing processes.
Certification was granted on the recommendation of Furntech-AFRDI's independent assessment evaluators and relates to both the product and its site of assembly.
The supplier having agreed to maintain the compliance of both the product and its site of assembly and to submit to retesting and auditing as appropriate, the Australasian Furnishing
Research and Development Institute hereby certifies the product under the AFRDI Green Tick
Product Certification Program.
This certification is valid for three years but may be suspended, revoked or renewed.
The above product and its associated site of assembly have together been assessed for:


Compliance with laws and regulations

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