Wilkhahn AT ON IN ESP Digital Brochure

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Free-to-move office chairs with an elevated sitting position (ESP)
for sit-stand workspaces
170 ON® / 184 IN / 187 AT

Digital-brochure-Free-to-move-office chairs

Views and and references references

Ergonomics and health

Comfort and adjustments

Quality and sustainability


Models and dimensions

Technical details

Sitting higher makes
­standing up easier
Free-to-move office chairs with ESP for sit-stand options
Electrically height-adjustable desks are increasingly becoming the new standard in offices to encourage people to alternate between sitting and standing. However, that's exactly what most of us don't do because getting up from a normal seating height and adjusting the table height take up way too much time and force us to interrupt what we're doing.
This is why Wilkhahn is offering ESP (elevated
­sitting position) models in its ON®, IN and AT
­free-to-move office chair ranges, which include the benefits of patented free-to-move kinematics by prompting a mix of sitting and standing.

Design: Wilkhahn

Views and and references

Dans la boutique

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