Wilkhahn Free To Move ENG

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Free to move
Opportunities for new ­ergonomics in digitalised ­offices

Fresh approaches to new office environments

In view of the competition for skilled and talented people, longer working lives and increasing problems with health, virtually all industries and organisations are facing new challenges and issues when designing workspaces. How can design boost a company's appeal and increase employee loyalty and motivation? How can it encourage communication, collaboration and learning? And how does it keep the workforce as healthy and productive as possible until people retire?
The answers lie in a complete rethink of virtually all office processes customary to date. This equally applies to ergonomics: the media reports again and again on the rise of backache and metabolic complaints resulting from people living and working in environments that are too static. WHO, the World Health Organisation,
even categorises long periods of sitting as a health risk all of its own. Because if movement in digitalised offices is confined to typing on a keyboard and using a mouse, even an ergonomically correct  posture will mean a comatose lack of stimulation. On the other hand, focusing on concentration and the fingers' fine motor skills also decreases strain on the body. Therefore, encouraging movement while sitting is one of the most effective ways of ensuring digitalised offices aren't environments plagued by a lack of physical activity. Which is why we've developed the Free-to-move concept that starts when we're sitting at desks but doesn't stop there by any means. We've included all the key information, issues and solutions in this brochure and will reveal how workspace design ensures greater agility for body and mind. Why not browse through it as a source of inspiration and discover how to reconcile the opportunities of digitalisation with our bodies' natural capabilities?

Dr Jochen Hahne,


Digitalisation as an innovation driver
A changing world

Change Disruption Agility Immersive Technologies Momentum Multi
Space Globalisation

Digitalisation Algorithms Competition for

talent Lack of skilled workers Learning Transformation
Mobile Working Networking

Innovation Co-working Scram Design

Thinking Work-Life-Balance

Dans la boutique

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