Wilkhahn ON 170 Product Info EN

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ON. 170 range.


Views and references

Ergonomics and health


Accessories and other items

Models and dimensions

Technical details

Quality and sustainability


The range stands for the latest milestones in office-chair development. For the first time, the patented Trimension® technology offer­ed by ON® has succeeded in perfectly synchronising three-dimen­sional flexibility with our bodies. And what's more it offers superb design and an extensive product family that caters to virtually all requirements. The three backrest heights are adjustable by 60 mm (mediumhigh, high and high with a headrest), three upholstered types (Fiberflex, soft padding and management grade upholstery) and three types of 3D armrest (standard, soft, leather) add up to 27 basic
­designs for the task chairs alone &

Design: wiege
Model: 175/71, photo: Vojislav Nikolic

Views and references

Ergonomics and health


Model: 174/7, object: M Moser Associates, New York, US, photo: Eric Laignel

Accessories and other items

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Wilkhahn Study Zfg Trimension Eng
Wilkhahn Study Zfg Trimension Eng
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Summary More movement in sedentary workspaces A study on the impact of Trimension 3D kinematics on dorsal muscles, the range of motion and physiological stimulation Summary More movement in sedentary workspaces A study on the impact of Trimension 3D kinematics on dorsal muscles, the range of motion and physiological stimulation 1 Forward Some 80-90% of all gainfully employed people in Germany primarily work in sedentary jobs. As travelling to workplaces is usually done sitting down (in buses,...

Wilkhahn ON 170 Product Info EN
Wilkhahn ON 170 Product Info EN
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON. 170 range. Digital-brochure-170-ON-02-SR-230627-1746 Views and references (1/6) references Ergonomics and health Designs Accessories and other items Models and dimensions Technical details Quality and sustainability Contact ON. The range stands for the latest milestones in office-chair development. For the first time, the patented Trimension® technology offer­ed by ON® has succeeded in perfectly synchronising three-dimen­sional flexibility with our bodies. And what's more it offers...

Wilkhahn ON Trimension
Wilkhahn ON Trimension
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON® Trimension® 3-D-Sitzen in Bestform Die Trimension® animiert nicht nur zu Vorwärts-, Rück­ wärts- und Seitwärtsbewegungen, sondern auch zur Rotation des Beckens, die für die Stabilisierung der Wirbel­ säule besonders wichtig ist. Schon kleinste Gewichtsver­ lagerungen werden in Bewegung übersetzt. Die Posi­tion und die Funktion der Drehpunkte entsprechen dabei präzise den Knie- und Hüftgelenken. Dadurch bleibt der Körperschwerpunkt in jeder Sitzhaltung und Bewegung sicher...

Wilkhahn 74 Leder Leather
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01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
74/99 74/64 74/34 74/73 74/16 Leder 74. Leather 74. Cuir 74. Piel 74. 74/62 74/22 1.9.2022 74/99 74/64 74/34 74/73 74/62 74/16 74/22 Leder 74. Leather 74. Cuir 74. Piel 74. 74/61 74/67 74/72 74/10 74/35 Die digitalen Muster weichen von den Originaltönen ab. The digital sample colours differ from the originals. Les échantillons numériques diffèrent du nuancier original. Los tonos de colores de las muestras en formato digital, varían de los originales.

Wilkhahn ON ZfG Study En
Wilkhahn ON ZfG Study En
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
Summary Three-dimensional dynamic seating for more efficient office work Study on the impact of the threedimensional office chair system ON® on cognitive skills and the subjective feeling of well-being Boris Feodoroff Ingo Froböse November 2011 1 Foreword The debate on adapting office workspaces on a needs-based and appropriate manner has long called for a more active concept that fosters more physical activity. A lack of movement and physical inactivity are seen as risk factors for various...

Wilkhahn On Afrdi Certificate 2
Wilkhahn On Afrdi Certificate 2
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
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Wilkhahn ON Manual
Wilkhahn ON Manual
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
ON. ® Wilkhahn " Sitz still!  haben Generationen von Eltern und Lehrern die kleinen Zappelphilipps ermahnt. Sie wussten es nicht besser. Denn nicht das Sitzen an sich, sondern das Stillsitzen hat fatale Folgen. Erkenntnisse aus Gesundheitsund Sportwissenschaften sehen in Bewegungsmangel und einseitigen Belastungen die Hauptursachen für Rückenschmerzen. Gerade die Unterforderung führt zu Stoff­ wechselstörungen im gesamten Rückensystem und in der Folge zu Verspannungen und Degenera­ tionen,...

Wilkhahn On 170 Greenguard Certificate
Wilkhahn On 170 Greenguard Certificate
01/08/2024 - wilkhahncom-2f42.kxcdn.com
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Wilkhahn 7697-420 ON® - 170 range 13 Jul 2022 - 10 Apr 2025 Certificate Number Certificate Period Certified Status UL 2818 - 2022 Gold Standard for Chemical Emissions for Building Materials, Finishes and Furnishings Commercial furniture and furnishings are tested in accordance with ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011(R2016) and determined to comply with ANSI/BIFMA X7.1-2011(R2016) and ANSI/BIFMA e3-2019 Credit 7.6.1, 7.6.2, and 7.6.3. Seating products are modeled in the seating...

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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Lighting Selection PRÉFACE Bien souvent, les êtres humains ne se rendent compte qu'après coup qu'ils se trouvent au cSur d'une gigantesque mutation en des périodes palpitantes et mouvementées. La numérisation de nos vies, l'accessibilité des informations par Internet ou l'intelligence artificielle font aujourd'hui partie à part entière de nos existences, apparues presque en catimini et sans les débats accompagnant habituellement les bouleversements d'une telle envergure. Simultanément,...

08/01/2018 - www.idips.fr
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Innovation - Béton prêt à l'emploi en cartouche « CIMENT EXPRESS » INFORMATION PRESSE Septembre 2012 Pour réaliser en un tour de main des petits travaux de maçonnerie et de jointoiement Pour boucher les fissures qui lézardent un mur en béton, réaliser des petits travaux de rénovation de maçonnerie, coller et jointoyer du carrelage ou des blocs de parpaings..., le ciment est un liant indispensable. Pour simplifier son utilisation et éviter les nombreux inconvénients liés à sa confection...