Eglas Brochure En 2020 Sggi 0

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Heating Glass System

no other radiator gives you such a beautiful view


What if Glass would become a heating system?



Goodbye condensation & cold.
Hello comfort
& warmth.

We choose glass to connect our space with the world outside. But what if the elements compromise our comfort indoors? It was a problem largely beyond your control, until now. With EGLAS, you can bring the comfort of smart warmth to interior. Now your glazing can replace unsightly bulky radiators freeing up the beauty of uncluttered walls, and floors. At the touch of a switch,
you enjoy total control to create a space of absolute comfort by design. Even misting and condensation are a thing of the past.



Unlike conventional glazing which is passive, EGLAS is active, designed to provide heat from transparent glass. It can be used in every region of the world thanks to four functions: main heating, comfort heating, anti-condensation and snow melting. As well as improving thermal comfort inside a building, EGLAS can be used to eliminate misting and condensation.
EGLAS was developed in 1986 in Finland. The working principle of warm glass' is based on the application of two factors: electric current, and a layer of metal oxides, applied on one surface of the glass. The result is comfortable warmth indoors with no condensation.
A revolution!


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