19 1481196683 1

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Electrically operated vision control glass

PRIVA- LITE is supplied and installed by Glassolutions (part of Saint- Gobain).
For more information visit http:// glassolutions.co.uk/ en- gb/ products/ priva- lite
Or call: 024 7654 7400 and ask for the FDS Team.
SGG PRIVA- LITE is a laminated glass containing a liquid crystal (LC) film assembled between at least two plastic interlayers. The liquid crystals align when the electrical current (100 VAC) is switched on, causing the glass to turn transparent instantly. When the power is switched off, the glass has a naturally opaque appearance, blocking vision
(total privacy), yet permitting light to pass through (translucent).

Where can it be used?
Any interior area where there is a need for both obscuration or transparency depending on the circumstances, for example, screens, glass doors, partitions, room- dividers, kiosks, security (e.g. banks), conference rooms, cubicles etc.
SGG PRIVA- LITE can be manufactured in single or double- glazing form with most glasses from the SAINT- GOBAIN
GLASS range. SAINT- GOBAIN GLASS supplies the following:
Minimum thickness: 7 mm (33.2 or 6.4 mm)
Standard thickness: 11 mm (55.2 or 10.8mm on extra clear glass)
Maximum dimensions: 1000 x 3000 mm
Minimum dimensions: 305 x 405 mm
Transformers for: 3.5 m2, 10 m2 and 20 m2 areas (relays must be provided for the 20 m2 size).
Bayer Multisil silicone: this is the only silicone that can be used.
Shielded cables: outer cross- section 2.8 mm2.
Shipping crate designed form road/ air/ sea transportation.

PRIVA- LITE is available in a variety of colours and shapes.

Light transmittance of SGG PRIVA- LITE 10.8 mm (extra clear):
- Transparent state: 77% (ON)
- Translucent state: 76% (OFF)
The glass and its electrical installation principle have been tested in accordance with standards BS EN 550146-2
and BS EN 60335-1, and are certified.
Degree of protection of the transformer: IP 42.
Degree of protection of the glass: IP 43.
Partitions to ensure privacy at will, for meeting rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, entrance halls or security checkpoints
(banks, hospitals, post offices, police stations, etc)
Back- projection screen
Swinging or sliding door with the view temporarily obstructed
Floor or ceiling tiles (under certain conditions)

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