Ppg 2023 Gender Pay Report

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

PPG Industries UK Ltd is a legal entity of PPG. PPG operates across 75 countries and has 140 years in paints,
coatings and specialty products employing over 50,000 people. Within PPG Industries UK, we employ approximately 600 people across multiple sites including 2 manufacturing units.
The data shown is based on the pay position as of 5th April 2022 and the bonus payments made to employees between 6th April 2021 and 5th April 2022.
At PPG we believe in creating a diverse and gender balanced workforce that reflects the customers and communities we serve and ensures our people can be their best authentic selves at work. We believe that inclusion and diversity are key to creating a balanced work environment where everyone feels involved and able to have a voice. We will continue to elevate and celebrate underrepresented communities while combating intolerance in all forms, both inside and outside of our workplaces. We do so with a spirit of humility, authenticity and vulnerability. We may not always get it right, but we aim to do better today than yesterday  every day.
Like many other manufacturing organisations, there is a historical gender imbalance that has built up over the years and will not be easily addressed. We have worked hard to address any gender pay gap and the lack of female representation in leadership roles. We are committed to ensuring everyone has the same opportunities irrespective of gender, race or culture and in many of our job roles we operate set rates of pay and this helps ensure that pay rates do not vary between genders.
Last year we recognised that our lower gender pay gap was influenced by the pandemic. In 2022 we can see that, while the gap has increased slightly, it remains lower than pre-pandemic levels from 2020 and earlier. This is a welcome trend, but we recognise that we still have more to do to close the gap in the future.

: Women's median hourly pay is 17.5% lower than men's the lowest paid jobs

Women occupy 20% of the highest paid jobs and 35.1% of

Women's mean bonus pay is 30% lower than men's
71.8% of Women; 55.1% of men

The senior leadership is committed to improving the pay gap. Initiatives in place include:

Release of PPG's first Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) report, detailing how PPG is striving to meet its 2025 commitments.
Introduced gender targets to focus our attention on increasing representation of females in our business.
By 2025 our aim is to achieve an aspirational goal of 34% to 36% representation of non-frontline global female professionals.


Positive action in recruitment; ensuring 50% of shortlisted candidates are female for all non-frontline roles;
Achieved meaningful improvement in inclusion in our most recent Employee Voice Survey. Specifically,
employees indicated substantial improvement in our commitment to building the strengths of each employee.

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