Reco Flyer En 0622

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Remote Calibration Overair

ReCO!"  Remote Calibration Overair
Your solution for a quick calibration after windscreen replacement

What is ReCO!" ?
ReCO!" is our new remote service to support you in remote vehicle diagnostics and ADAS calibration (Advanced Driver Assistant
With ReCO!" we carry out incoming diagnostics, troubleshooting and calibration  quite simply remotely.
From security gateway activation to OE software solutions  always the right diagnostic software for you.

How does ReCO!" work?
ReCO!" is super easy and ready to use: Simply connect ReCO!" to your vehicle and open a ticket in the web portal. Our Pilkington technician will remotely connect to your device using the ReCO!" OBD connector and perform the appropriate service.

Your benefits
Whatever is coming, we solve it for you!
ReCO!" offers almost 100 percent software coverage thanks to various commercially available multi-brand diagnostic software which is being constantly expanded.

ReCO!" helps you to save costs permanently!
No software costs, no update costs, no annual license costs, no additional training costs.

No matter which new vehicle is coming,
ReCO!" is the solution!
ReCO!" also provides software solutions for the latest vehicles (e.g. Security Gateway, DoIP).

Buy, set up and go!
Our sales contact activates the ReCO!" OBD connector at your site: That s it, and you re ready to go.

Here is the web portal:
Scan the QR code or enter directly into your browser.

Our expert team will help you with any questions

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