Jcdecaux Esg Brochure June 2024 Gb

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Sustainable OOH




Since 1964, JCDecaux has provided our city and transport partners with products that offer useful and innovative services in public spaces (such as bus shelters, self-cleaning public toilets and self-service bicycles) paid by Out-of-Home advertising.
Jean-Charles Decaux

This is the virtuous business model that was invented by our founder, that continues to improve the quality of life of the public, while meeting their evolving expectations.

Jean-François Decaux

+ 850 m people make up our daily audience

Sustainable Development has been at the heart of our business since the
Group was founded. From the earliest days, our commitment was clear,
shown through our consistent approach to our quality and environmental management and our global vision for our environmental and societal responsibility from 2014.



+ 250 transport concessions

for new services that enhance the lives of people across the world. 

Today as we face huge challenges for the planet and for human development we remain committed to playing our part in tackling these vital issues

Dans la boutique

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Jcdecaux Esg Brochure June 2024 Gb
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