Buschfeld Dbl 6169 6204 Led Cc Driver Round Casambi By Buschfeld En

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LED CC Driver Round Casambi by buschfeld performance parameters
- Over-the-Air programmable constant current 1 channel LED driver
- Controllable via

Article No.
500 mA


950 mA




This device is developed for any kind of constant current LED applications and enables control via Casambi. It converts Constant Voltage to Constant Current, has 1-Channel and its output is programmable via Casambi in 1 mA steps. The benefit is a smooth Dimming without artefacts via constant current reduction in continous conductiuon mode at dimming levels >1%.
below 1% of Iout the dimming methode switches to PWM @ 2kHz.
Pseudorandom Pulse Code Modulation at very low LED currents

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