Ilse Crawford For Kasthall Grönska Collection 2019

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by Ilse Crawford

The collection named Grönska' meaning greenery,'
is inspired by the meadows, fields and farmland that surround the Kasthall factory in Kinna, Sweden,
where it has been located since 1889. Like Kasthall rugs, it is a landscape made by humans and their machines. Each of the five designs embodies archetypal Swedish landscapes throughout the seasons. The collection also considers the cultural shift towards greener architecture and interiors. We live most of

our lives indoors, so bringing a physical connection to nature inside was an important thread throughout the design process. The color green brings a sense of life, has a positive impact on our health and in the right shades is perceived as neutral. The Grönska collection reflects the colors, rhythms and textures of the diverse Swedish landscapes, bringing these into our homes and public spaces in a beautiful, abstract and more accessible way. ( ( (

With Kasthall we explored weaving and tufting

techniques to reflect the rhythm, irregularity and tactility of
Swedish landscapes. In turn the rugs bring these qualities into the homes and public spaces where we live.

Ilse Crawford and Lena Jiseborn, Design Director at
Kasthall, experimented with tufting techniques that evolved into the Åker and Täppa designs.

Throughout the design process, Studioilse have been inspired by the landscapes around the Kasthall factory in Kinna and have brought the colors and textures into each of the designs.

The design collaboration began in spring 2017,
bringing together the skills and experience of
Kasthall with Ilse's human-centred approach to

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