Kasthall Catalogue 2020

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Collect and cultivate

Hidden behind closed doors are secrets that spark our inner life. In the most remote corners of the factory, in silent warehouses and unmarked boxes,
seeds of thoughts are uncovered waiting to be born again. Fascinating tones of color in saw dust, metal scraps and worn machine parts. Wall colors from now and then. Color fragments, residual yarn, old color samples. A creative exploration where we see things with new eyes to inspire new ideas, woven together by nature, know-how and art. A flashback that allows us to move forward. The collected treasures become inspiring nuggets from the past,
fused together with the present to illustrate the

magic of nature. A vivid variation of perspective,
abundance of color, irregularity and repetition in the space between colors and textures. The diversity of colors unites the cyclical variability and permanence that we live in. A patchwork of expression where accents and bright colors from reefs and oceans are mixed with hues and lines from landscapes and beaches. A curious, sometimes naNve, quest where new perspectives are applied to colors and characteristics that are rarely noticed:
The sublimity of spaces. Things that escape our attention but are always there. Holistic poetry.
We call it Colors in Between .


Made in Sweden. Designed for the world since 1889.
Over the years Kasthall has won many awards. Below are a few of them.

Wallpaper Design Award for the handtufted rug
Feather within the Soul of Nature Collection.

Wallpaper Design Award for the woven rug Äng within the Grönska Collection, designed by Ilse

Elle Decoration Design Award for Harvest, made of leftover spools of yarn from the production process.

In 1889, in the quaint Swedish hamlet of Kinna,
passionate textile craftsmanship met nature-inspired design and gave rise to Kasthall. Today admired worldwide.

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