En Export Aldes Parkone Car Park Unit Dah Hs 25 32a Ls 6 10a 11057536

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Smoke exhaust dampers and air inlets


ParkONE car park unit DAH HS 25-32A LS 6-10A
The residential car park smoke and heat exhaust units control the 2-speed axial fans for ventilation, smoke and heat exhaust.

ParkONE car park smoke and heat exhaust system unit for multi-


" Programmable timer to meet ventilation needs while saving energy
" 3-position switch used to control the box: stop; forced smoke and heat exhaust and high speed; comfort

Product description
Thanks to its built-in clock, the residential car park smoke and heat exhaust system can program the fan (Off/Smoke and heat exhaust/Comfort) in anticipation of vehicle traffic in the car park. This system is especially suited to parking areas for multi-occupancy residential buildings. It controls the activation of manual smoke and heat exhaust and shutdown of smoke exhaust when instructed by the Fire service.

Fields of application
Multi-occupancy residential housing, New, Refurbishment, Non-residential buildings

" Smoke and heat exhaust unit attached to wall.

Reference arguments
" IP55 key-operated plastic box.
" Dimensions: length x width x depth = 375 x 375 x 200 mm.
" Backed-up weekly programmable timer.
" Motor protected at high and low speed by thermal-magnetic circuit breakers. Current intensity selected according to motors used.
" Range for 2-speed motor with Dahlander windings. 3-phase 400 V
" Input/output terminals for manual smoke control trip devices, current break (opening dry contact).
" Possible to connect key-operated fire brigade shut-off (opening dry contact).
" Manual and plans available from your local branch.

Main characteristics
" IP55 key-operated plastic box,
" dimensions for models 4 to 32A: lxhxd= 375 x 375 x 180 mm,
" dimensions for models 40 to 57A: lxhxd= 375 x 500 x 230 mm,
" dimensions for 2 fan models : lxhxd= 375 x 750 x 230 mm,
" backed-up weekly programmable timer,
" motor protected at high and low speed with thermal-magnetic circuit breakers,
current intensity selected according to motors used,
" range for 2-speed motor with Dahlander windings, 3-phase 400V
" input/output terminals for manual triggering devices current break (opening dry contact)

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