
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

General Conditions EUR 2024
These General Conditions of Sale and Delivery shall apply unless they are amended in writing by agreement between the Parties.
The prices given in the price lists, offers and agreement include the costs of the packaging required under normal transport conditions for the prevention of damage to or impairment of the goods. Costs for transport packaging, pallets and pallet collars will be added.
An offer submitted by the Seller will be valid for 30 days from the date of the Buyer's receipt of the offer, and the Buyer's acceptance must be received by the Seller within this time scale.
Notwithstanding this, the seller has the right to withdraw his offer at any time, unless ac-ceptance has been made.
Tenders / quotations, drawings and other documents submitted by the seller to the buyer remain the property of the seller. They may not be used by the buyer or copied, reproduced, disclosed or otherwise brought to the knowledge of third parties without the consent of the seller.

Prices quoted apply to Ex Works (INCOTERMS), excluding VAT, other taxes or charges.
The seller may, for special remuneration, undertake work on unpacking, mounting and arranging the goods on site designated by the buyer and handling of packaging or packaging. If the buyer requests a longer delivery time than three months from the order date, the seller is entitled to change prices with the percentage change in the
Swedish Office Furniture Index between the order and the delivery day. Shipping costs are charged separately.
The buyer understands that the seller may purchase products or parts of these from a subcontractor in a country other than Sweden. Prices quoted in quotation /
quotation or in price list are based on the exchange rates prevailing at the time of the tender and the seller's costs for such purchases. The seller reserves the right to adjust the price in exchange rate fluctuations exceeding +/- 10%.

The Seller reserves the right to make changes in the construction and design of the product, and the associated price adjustments.

Sample furnishing can be done by special agreement on this. The buyer shall be responsible for the costs of transporting the products between the manufacturer's factory or warehouse, and the location of the sample furniture, and the risk in relation to the seller that the prod-ucts covered by the sample furniture are damaged or destroyed during the sample furniture period or transport.
The buyer is obliged to reimburse the seller's reasonable costs for the production of pro-totypes, samples and the like if so requested by the buyer. Buyer's obligations under this paragraph include, e.g. costs for developing specially adapted manufacturing tools and ma-terial costs.


Dans la boutique

24/07/2024 - www.edsbyn.com
Troy Troy is a trolley that will extend the offer of any room. With a calm form pressed wooden front, a technique that Edsbyn has mastered for over 100 years, Troy gently blends in with the interior while simultaneously being open for service. Troy Trolley Design Mario Ruiz 2 Design Mario Ruiz Troy Trolley 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Models 20 Color & Trim Finish 23 3 Mario Ruiz studied industrial design at Elisava Facultad...

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General Conditions EUR 2024 SUITABILITY These General Conditions of Sale and Delivery shall apply unless they are amended in writing by agreement between the Parties. 1. PACKAGING The prices given in the price lists, offers and agreement include the costs of the packaging required under normal transport conditions for the prevention of damage to or impairment of the goods. Costs for transport packaging, pallets and pallet collars will be added. 2. OFFER DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS An offer submitted...

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Shape Dynamic and practical storage with a focus on flexibility and options to meet the unique needs of each room. your SHAPE STORAGE SHAPE YOUR STORAGE MODULES Flexible and climate-smart storage in modules Personal Storage  Low Open Storage Personal Storage  Mid 8-9 10-11 12-13 Personal Storage  High Wardrobe Recycling Unit 14-15 16-17 18-19 CONFIGURE 2 FOR THE FUTURE Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Climate-smart . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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