
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Feather, a furniture family with versatility. Chairs and tables with uniform expression  simple, clean,
functional. Designed by Jens Fager.

Feather, a furniture family with versatility, adaptable to different environments, offices, conference, restaurant, school and at home.
Chairs and tables with uniform expression  simple, clean,
functional. The variation in colour, shape and materials give you the possibility to select a beautiful, harmonious interior with a personal touch.
Design: Jens Fager

FEATHER Lounge chair, stand in misty grey (7044), seat, back and armrest in leather: Cognac (54035).
FEATHER Lounge table in Carrara marble.




FEATHER Lounge chair, stand in misty grey (7044), seat, back and armrest in leather: Cognac (54035).
FEATHER Lounge table, white stand, table top in Carrara marble.
FEATHER Lounge table, stand in dark chocolate (8019), table top in Emperador marble.
FEATHER Lounge swivel chair, stand in fir green (6009), armrest in brown leather (33004), fabric: Amwell (moss).




FEATHER Conference table, stand in dark chocolate (8019), table top in desktop: Mauve (4172) with cable compartment.
EASE Table screen, fabric: Dodan 7020 (01).
FEATHER Swivel chair, chrome stand, seat and back in fabric: Revive 1 (414).
FEATHER Swivel chair, chrome stand, seat and back in leather: Cognac (54035) with armrest.
FEATHER Chair, stand in fir green (6009), fabric: Pitch (grass).





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