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Some like to savour a conver­sation and others like to keep it short, just like their coffee. Irrelevant of style and circum­stances, Cup is a stool that accommodates all kinds of breaks.

Cup Stool
Design Luca Nichetto



Luca Nichetto
Cup Stool



Edsbyn Factory



Measurements & Details


Color & Trim

Fabric, Leather & Finish



Luca Nichetto graduated in industrial

Dans la boutique

24/07/2024 -
Gather Gather is a sofa program that has taken the best from two worlds; the practicality of a modular and the aesthetics of a stand-alone. Designed by Andreas Engesvik. GATHER A NEW CROSS OVER Gather is a sofa program that has taken the best from two worlds; the practicality of a modular and the aesthetics of a stand-alone. The program allows you to setup configurations best suitable for your needs, without compromising on aesthetics or comfort. Thin legs are mounted on a steel frame with free...

24/07/2024 -
Everlong The length of the Everlong Sofa can be adjusted to meet the visions of architects and the need for unique solutions. A backrest with an optimal angle and a generous seat guarantees comfort. Thanks to its straightforward design, it can easily fit into a wide range of demanding settings, including restaurants, airports, or museums. Everlong Sofa Design Jens Fager Design Jens Fager Everlong Sofa 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Measurements...

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Troy Troy is a trolley that will extend the offer of any room. With a calm form pressed wooden front, a technique that Edsbyn has mastered for over 100 years, Troy gently blends in with the interior while simultaneously being open for service. Troy Trolley Design Mario Ruiz 2 Design Mario Ruiz Troy Trolley 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Models 20 Color & Trim Finish 23 3 Mario Ruiz studied industrial design at Elisava Facultad...

24/07/2024 -
R E -T H I N K WO R K S U R V E Y BY E D S BY N / R E P O R T BY S U P E R L A B PREDICTIONS & DESIRES ABOUT THE FUTURE WORKPLACE 1 R E -T H I N K WO R K S U R V E Y BY E D S BY N / R E P O R T BY S U P E R L A B RE-THINK WORK Bengt Gunnarsson, CEO Edsbyn Edsbyn has been around for 120 years. The secret of our success is the ability to change. The goal with #rethinkwork is to find new solutions for a highly functional and enjoyable workplace now and for the future,  says Bengt Gunnarsson. Niklas...

24/07/2024 -
CONFIGUR ABLE FURNITURE FROM EDSBYN THE STORY OF EDSBYN It all started with a skilled craftsman in a small carpentry shop in the heart of Sweden. The carpentry shop grew to become one of the largest ski manufacturers in the world. With an inherent respect for raw materials and a desire to utilize waste wood, Edsbyn began manufacturing Windsor chairs. The Fanett Windsor chair, of which over 5 million were sold, was produced from waste wood from our ski manufacturing. Today, the pride and knowledge...

24/07/2024 -
Cup 1 Some like to savour a conver­sation and others like to keep it short, just like their coffee. Irrelevant of style and circum­stances, Cup is a stool that accommodates all kinds of breaks. Cup Stool Design Luca Nichetto 2 Design Luca Nichetto Cup Stool 3 7 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Measurements & Details 21 Color & Trim Fabric, Leather & Finish Fittings 24 27 3 Luca Nichetto graduated in industrial

24/07/2024 -
Hug Hug is a chair composed for comfort, accessibility and function. Designed by Jens Fager. HUG CHAIR This is a chair composed for comfort, accessibility and function. The challenge has been in working with the pressed veneer to achieve bold curves which are comfortable yet retain the clean lines and strength of the material. Design Jens Fager 2 3 4 5 SOFT SEAT Hug Chair either come with a back and seat in pressed veneer or with a soft upholstered pad for longer sitting. 6 7 8 9 MAKING...

24/07/2024 -
Escape This is a universal seating furniture that consists of three sofa modules in different shapes. Add a backrest and create countless combinations to fit any need and space, from the small lobby to the large meeting area. Escape Sofa Design Mario Ruiz 2 Design Mario Ruiz Escape Sofa 4 8 Responsibility Sustainability Climate-Smart Edsbyn Factory 12 14 16 Modularity Modules Backrest Table 20 22 23 Color & Trim Fabrics Leather, Fittings & Finish 26 28

10/03/2012 -
BRIO ECO3 ET 400L A Référence : 236 803 100% LEDS AUTOTESTABLE SATI AMBIANCE NON PERMANENT ETANCHE Photo non contractuelle Label « Performance SATI » Label « NF ENVIRONNEMENT » Bloc design extra-plat < 42 mm Technologie 100% LED Consommation < 0,8 W Garantie commerciale de 4 ans CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES : Numéro d'homologation : Indice de protection : Flux assigné : Autonomie : Classe : Dimensions : Tension d'alimentation : T09081 IP 65 / IK 10 250 lm 1h II 210 x 122 x 41.6 mm (Lxlxh)...

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Résumé en cours de création pour ce fichier PDF

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Fiche produit ENDUITS MONOCOUCHE AKTERRE 05.013.A & 10.013.A ROUGE TOMETTE 05.043.A & 10.043.A CARAMEL 05.053.A & 10.053.A BLANC CARRARE Utilisation : Enduit intérieur monocouche perspirant, à appliquer en une ou plusieurs couche, manuellement ou à la machine. Les enduits monocouche AKTERRE s'utilisent sur des murs en briques cuites alvéolaires, pierres naturelles, béton cellulaire, murs en terre (pisé, torchis, bauge, adobes ou briques en terre, terre copeaux bois...), etc.... La surface...

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