White Paper Using A Specification Library For Humidification Projects

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Architects, designers and other specifiers use 3-D models from product manufacturers  files that contain all the relevant data needed to make a decision about a building product. It's critical that these specifiers have access to online tools that allow them to research products and connect with building product manufacturers.
With more government agencies requiring traceability in building design, including access to the details of the equipment used, these models allow specifiers to provide this information and prove their accountability.
BIM content for all DriSteem's humidification systems are available for download online at a number of provider sites including SpecifiedBy, BIMobject, and ARCAT  delivering the fastest, simplest way to find and compare products during the research process.
These sites provide not only REVIT and other digital resources, but also specifications and other equipment details.
BIM adoption varies by country and by project type. The earliest adoption and largest adoption of BIM
is in the UK followed by Germany, Poland and France.

DriSteem Ultra-sorb® LV steam dispersion panel


Importance of Humidification in Building Design
Proper humidification is extremely important for many applications and must be considered up front during the building design process. Factors to consider include the intent (humidification or cooling), the humidification load, available energy sources, quality of the supplied water, where the moisture will be dispersed, and the level and type of controls needed.
Failure to consider all factors may result in a system that operates inefficiently, doesn't meet the intended requirements, or can cause unintended consequences due to poorly managed moisture. With a good design, properly controlled humidification can promote health and safety, improve productivity, extend the life of materials, and enhance occupant satisfaction.
Here are some common uses of humidification:

Indoor Air Quality: Studies have shown that the optimum range for relative humidity (RH) is between 40-60%. Bacteria and viruses thrive in dry air where the relative humidity is less than 40%. Keeping the relative humidity under 60%
hinders the development of fungi, mites, and chemical interactions. Proper humidification can reduce occurrences of allergic rhinitis, respiratory infections, and asthma, which in turn reduces absenteeism.


Material Preservation: Many building materials, finishes,
furnishings, and artifacts are hygroscopic, meaning they

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