
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

" Improve indoor air quality
" Improve manufacturing processes

Optimum range

" Preserve materials and furnishings


" Improve comfort for building occupants


Properly controlled humidification enhances occupant health and comfort,
improves manufacturing processes, and helps preserve building materials and furnishings. In short, any building housing people or things will benefit from proper humidification, and the cost to add humidification is easily offset by gains in processes, productivity, life of materials, and occupant satisfaction.

Bacteria and viruses thrive in dry air. This is why that scratchy sore throat you wake with when staying in a too-dry room lasts for days. Studies have shown that when room relative humidity (RH) drops below 40 percent,
absenteeism increases due to respiratory illness. Proper humidification can reduce absenteeism as much as 18 percent. Humidified spaces feel warmer and are more comfortable for occupants, especially in cold climates where heating systems run frequently.
Of course, controlling RH is important. Keeping RH levels within a range of 40 to 60 percent not only decreases bacteria and viruses in the air, but hinders the development of fungi, mites, chemical interactions, and ozone production. The result is reduced occurrences of allergic rhinitis, respiratory infections, and asthma among building occupants. To ensure that RH levels do not rise above 60 percent, responsive humidification system control is essential.

Relative humidity levels affect manufacturing production rates, and product size, weight, strength, appearance, and quality. If you've ever known your laser printer to jam on a humid summer day, then you can understand how changes in texture, strength, or weight can affect the high-speed processing of hygroscopic materials.

Respiratory infections 1

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