Reynaers Aluminium Magnetic Contacts

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Magnetic contacts
Product flyer

Together for better


Your invisible inner peace

Trigger an action
Monitor all your relevant windows, doors and sliding doors with integrated magnetic contacts. An interruption of the reed-contact will trigger an alarm system or can turn off heating, ventilation or air-conditioning system (HVAC) to save energy.

Validated and certified magnet contacts for official alarm system integration and steering

Your one-stop shop for aluminum joinery solutions
Reynaers Aluminium is the professional one-stop shop for all aluminum façade and joinery solutions. From windows and doors to features like magnetic contacts: whatever you need,
your dedicated contact person is at your disposal throughout the entire project and offers professional advice and support for Reynaers' entire product range.

Validated and certified magnet contacts for official alarm system integration in coörperation with reliable partners.



Door magnet



Window magnet

Testing device

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