Aliaxis Workflow Brochure

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Dirty Job.
Clean Data.
Your digital assistant on site

Our working world has changed.
Underground, too.
WorkFlow is our cutting-edge system that lets you document your work directly on site. Without changing location. Without any paperwork.
Without any risk. Our WorkFlow system  comprising the fusion unit,
WorkFlow Mobile and WorkFlow Web
 has no unnecessary gimmicks. Just security and transparency! It is easy to use and enables efficient tracking,
saving time and nerves. Data is sent from the smartphone to where it belongs: the office.
It's this easy:
Install. Click. Done.


WorkFlow. Digital construction site management today.
There are things that were better in the past. And there are things that are better today. One of these is the pipefitting process with the WorkFlow system. With the smart combination of mobile app, web interface and secure cloud, all data from your Bluetooth enabled fusion units is managed in real time. WorkFlow Mobile and WorkFlow
Web run on our cloud architecture  24x7 lightning fast via SSL secure data connections to our high-performance servers. These are equipped with latest generation processors. Powerful technology for the construction site that also makes no compromises on security in the cloud
 thanks to internationally recognised ISO/IEC 27001

Simpler. More secure. WorkFlow.
Documentation is created and updated during the fusion and pipe installation work, with automatic protocol generation  that's what we mean by simpler. No more time wasted sifting through paper and gathering data.
Thanks to digital tracking, every step of the installation process is traceable  bringing better control and greater security. If a problem does occur, it can be located quickly.

Dans la boutique

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Dirty Job. Clean Data. WorkFlow  Your digital assistant on site Our working world has changed. Underground, too. WorkFlow is our cutting-edge system that lets you document your work directly on site. Without changing location. Without any paperwork. Without any risk. Our WorkFlow system  comprising the fusion unit, WorkFlow Mobile and WorkFlow Web  has no unnecessary gimmicks. Just security and transparency! It is easy to use and enables efficient tracking, saving time and nerves. Data is...

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