Press Estiluz Darc Magazine Jan Feb20

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

14 Hills | Roman Klis Office | The Toybox
Modular Lighting Guide | German Design Report | Light + Building Preview | Bar Lighting | Capsule Collection


As initially planned, the lighting elements chosen enhance the vivid colourful interior concept by highlighting the surfaces and the plants.
To accentuate the coloured surfaces, all luminaires should emit a uniform light with very good colour rendering,  expands Möbs.
To avoid competition between lighting and the interior, a small number of decorative luminaires were carefully placed. The bamboo fixtures underline the overall concept, and the seven large apartment
91 custom-made lanterns in coloured textiles in the staff restaurant,
situated in a glass annex, makes the space visible from a distance.
The pendant LED-lamps give additional light on the tables. 
The end result of the space directly portrays the positive mood that follows Roman Klis. It is not only a workspace that triggers an immediate buzz among clients and employees alike, but above all, it is a dynamic basis for effective, agile working. Ultimately, the performance of the employees was considerably enhanced.

Design Details
Roman Klis, Herrenberg, Germany
Interior Design: Ippolito Fleitz Group
Lighting Design: pfarré lighting design
Lighting Specification: Elektro Weippert
Consultant: Porsche Consultancy, Germany
Lighting Specified: apartment 91 custom fabric with colour gradient lampshade; Custom pendant lighting element with task lighting and indirect lighting for plants; Estiluz Volta bowshaped pendant; Moooi Emperor woven bamboo pendant;
Philips LED Gold pendant bulbs; Sattler ring luminaire; SLV
Medo flat round pendant

The newly refurbished Roman Klis office in Herrenberg,
Germany, has recieved a full make-over that incorporates a huge amount of natural greenery to improve employee wellbeing. A lot of research was put into behavioural science studies to determine the ideal size of zones for communicating and working, as well as the colours,
textures and lighting needed for the perfect environment that supports staff and reflects the brand's personality.

Dans la boutique

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