Estiluz Metropolis Magazine March April 2022 In

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March/April 2022

Danny Ortega,
Penn Weitzman School of Design

The Top
A&D Students of 2022


Endless Options
Suspended, mounted, or kinetic 
pure cylindrical forms become brilliant luminaires in the solutions offered within Cyls, a collection from Spanish manufacturer Estiluz in collaboration with Mermelada
Estudio. Utility and capacity for customization are robust because the LED fixtures are available as pendants, sconces,
or uplights, and in table- and floor-lamp versions. Standard satinlike finishes include black or beige, while some options can be specified with a white pearl translucent polyester shade and a black polished marble base.
Corded lamps feature an on/off switch, whereas hardwired fixtures can be made dimmable.
Joseph P. Sgambati III

The billowing, mouth-blown glass shades of Lodes LED Flar diffuse a rich glow reminiscent of traditional storm lanterns.
Conceived by French designer
Patrick Norguet for the
Venetian heritage lighting company, Flar marries decorative objects with forwardthinking lighting design. The bulbous shades, available in

Dans la boutique

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