Angst+Pfister%20Group%20Environment%20Policy En

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Angst+Pfister Group Environment Policy

Dear Colleagues,
dear Partners,
At the Angst+Pfister Group, we are committed to a sustainable and environmental-conscious conduct of business at all life cycles of our production. It is part of our core values to protect the environment and to preserve natural resources while reducing our environmental footprint.
To encounter the challenges of climate change and the environmental issues of our planet, we are required to take profound actions.
With this policy, we determine a framework to put our values into action. The environmental integrity of our processes and facilities is in our focus at all times and we undertake concrete actions to reduce our carbon footprint.
Every contribution is part of a bigger story, and we are convinced that together we can drive a change  for the future of our planet and the well-being of each one of us.
Kind regards

Christof Domeisen
CEO and Delegate of the Board
Angst+Pfister Group

Eray Ulugül
Chief Production Officer / CEO
Angst+Pfister Advanced Technical Solutions


At the Angst+Pfister Group, we recognize that progress involves a balance of environmental protection with economic growth. It is our ambition to improve the quality and efficiency of our operations as well as those of our supply chain,
while reducing their environmental impacts. To make a real change, we therefore always aim to prioritize collaborations with a positive environmental performance and to raise awareness among our internal and external stakeholders.
As a participant of the United Nations Global Compact, we are committed to make the Sustainable Development Goals part of our strategic pillars and we ensure to pursue the continuous integration of environmental concerns into these pillars.


Our environmental efforts include the following key areas and are defined by our long-term goals:

1. Compliance
The Angst+Pfister Group acts compliant with local and international environmental legislations and other obligations. In addition, we commit to implement the standards of a circular economy to foster sustainable production processes.
Our supply partners are also assessed based on their environmental performance and compliance with environmental legislations.

2. Energy & Emissions
The Angst+Pfister Group keeps the consumption of the natural resources under control in all processes:

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