Podium En

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Podium | The adjustable safety platform



The Podium is a safety platform with adjustable dimensions for temporarily filling the various shafts in buildings: for lifts, goods lifts,
technical ducts, stairwells, etc.
This extendable platform is designed to adapt to the size of the shaft in order to hold the vertical formwork used to produce skins.
The range is made up of different modules and supports, satisfying all worksite constraints. Made of galvanised steel, the Podium is reusable.
The Podium's size is quickly and easily adjusted using a central nut positioned on each side.
The AlphiSafe collective safety system can be fitted to the Podium.


Podium | The adjustable safety platform


ƒ Lifting side panels provide an outside view of the proper positioning of the Podium on its supports.
ƒ Retractable stands for secure transportation.

ƒ Adjustable dimensions enabling

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