Horizontal En

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The HorizontAL range is panel type formwork designed for large cells,
which makes the system ideal for the construction of functional buildings.
The HorizontAL system is extremely efficient and can handle concrete up to 30-35 cm thick, and 50 cm with strengtheners.
The HorizontAL system is simple.
It comprises a single prop head, for all erection configurations, and a shuttering panel available in 2 sizes.


 igh installation rate.
Very flexible utilisation, with compensation beams allowing joining to TopDalle and TopDalle Eco.
A single head for all configurations.
Integral plywood shuttering.
The large panels allow formworking up to 3.50 m high without platforms.

Dans la boutique

Etais FR
Etais FR
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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TablesdeCoffrage DE
TablesdeCoffrage DE
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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Toptable Fr
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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