AlphiSafe EN

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :









BV Cert. 6150814


AlphiSafe | Safety done safely!



AlphiSafe is a collective protection system for formwork and slab edges.
The system's technical innovations allow, in particular, safe installation and automatic locking.
Robust AlphiSafe is certified by Ginger CEBTP, as per the EN 13374
standard, classes A and B for certain elements.
AlphiSafe is distinguished by its height of 1.30 m, which is above the minimum height of one metre set by the standard, and protects traditional slab formwork up to 30 cm thick.
AlphiSafe is the first certified system to have a protective mesh of less than 15 kg, for a length of 2.50 m.

Site: New hospital in Libourne
Client: GTM
Location: Libourne


BV Cert. 6150814

AlphiSafe | Safety done safely!

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