TablesdeCoffrage GB

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Formwork tables | For large surfaces and balconies



Alphi formwork tables are used for formwork on large surfaces or balconies. They can be adapted to all construction site configurations.
According to the required use and strength, they will be associated with steel props compliant with the EN 1065 standard or with aluminium props compliant with the EN 16031 standard.
Very stiff and very stable, they can create formwork of up to 6 m in depth.
The AlphiSafe collective protection system further ensures worker safety.

La Germandrée Housing
Client: Yilbat
Location: Narbonne

Site in Switzerland
Client: Induni
Location: Geneva


Formwork tables | For large surfaces and balconies

ƒƒ Reduction in fitting, formwork removal and handling time.

Dans la boutique

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AlphiSafe FR
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