Monte Tour GB

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :










Monte-Tour | A revolutionary tower assembly system



Traditionally, a shoring tower is assembled from the lowest level upwards, finishing at the top.
Alphi offers an innovative way to assemble towers in the opposite direction from traditional assembly. The workers start by assembling the top, and finish at the bottom.
The Monte-Tour is compatible with all A120 type ladder towers.
Fall from height NF E 85-014

Fall on ground level
NF E 85-014

Falling objects
NF E 85-014


Strenuous positions

Manual load handling
NF X 35-109


Dans la boutique

Sabot Gb
Sabot Gb
13/07/2024 -
FORMWORK PERFORMANCE | SIMPLICITY | QUALITY | ADAPTABILITY ESSENTIAL LOAD SUPPORT Formwork support bracket | Essential load support The Alphi formwork support bracket has a load capacity of 20 kN. It can be mounted easily, on a skin, post or girder, using a concrete screw. It is used with a 48 mm diameter adjustable fork. Formwork support bracket in use 2 ACCESSORIES COMPONENT Formwork support bracket 100 mm mm Ø 57 Weight (kg) MWL (kN)

MaxiDalle GB
MaxiDalle GB
13/07/2024 -
FORMWORK PRODUCTIVITY | QUALITY | SAFETY | ERGONOMICS BV Cert. 6150814 THE EXTRA-LARGE FORMWORK PANEL MaxiDalle | The extra-large formwork panel 2 FORMWORK The MaxiDalle range is a panel-type formwork system for large cells. The high-performance system is capable of supporting a concrete slab of up to 50 cm in thickness. Simple: MaxiDalle comprises a single prop head for all assembly configurations and a formwork panel that comes in four sizes. A snap-on joint provides complete sealing...

EscalibMDS FR
EscalibMDS FR
13/07/2024 -
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Etais FR
Etais FR
13/07/2024 -
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2021 12 Maxidalle Fr
2021 12 Maxidalle Fr
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Vertical Gb
Vertical Gb
13/07/2024 -
FORMWORK PRODUCTIVITY | MODULARITY | ALUMINIUM | STURDINESS VERTICAL ALUMINIUM FORMWORK VerticAL | Vertical aluminium formwork FORMWORK The VerticAL formwork panel system is designed for the building of stringers, substructures, industrial and agricultural buildings. Reliable and robust, the system can reduce assembly times on building sites, as well as production costs. The vertical or horizontal panel installation increases the versatility of the VerticAL formwork. 2 3 VerticAL...

Alto EN
Alto EN
13/07/2024 -
SHORING SAFETY | SLINGING | ADAPTABILITY A COMPLETE DECK RANGE Alto | A complete deck range 2 SHORING Alto decks come in 3 sizes. All decks are equipped with safety features and accessories that facilitate handling. The AlphiSafe safety system can be mounted at ground level. Retractable hoisting rings are built into the deck. The slinging procedure is completely safe, from laying on the ground to the definitive positioning of the deck. Practical uses The Alto deck can be used in various...

Paniers Det
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participe à la réhabilitation et l'extension d'un chalet visant la certification Passiv-Haus
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Bureaux Carle : liberté architecturale et délais réduits grâce au plancher-dalle préfabriqué de Rector
Bureaux Carle : liberté architecturale et délais réduits grâce au plancher-dalle préfabriqué de Rector
12/12/2016 -
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23/09/2024 -
1 Allgemeine Mietbedingungen f?r Aggregate der WILO SE Diese Mietbedingungen gelten f?r alle Vermietungen der WILO S E , nachstehend Vermieter genannt, von Aggregaten an Unternehmen, juristische Personen des ?ffentlichen Rechts oder ?ffentlich-rechtlich Sonderverm?gen. Entgegenstehende oder abweichende Bedingungen des Mieters werden nicht anerkannt, es sei denn, der Vermieter stimmt ausdr?cklich ihrer Geltung schriftlich zu. Diese Mietbedingungen gelten auch dann, wenn in Kenntnis entgegenstehender...

Häfele - Newsletter
Häfele - Newsletter
20/12/2017 -
C est la rentrée ! Nous espérons que vous avez passé de bonnes vacances. Nous souhaitons vous présenter dans cette édition : la 3ème génération de notre gamme d éclairage à LED Loox qui présente de nombreuses nouveautés (LEDs modulaires, luminaires à chargeur USB, profils à capteurs intégrés, convertisseurs multi-puissances) ainsi que la dernière collection de poignées de meuble design aux finitions spectaculaires, conçues et développées par Häfele. Connaissez-vous le concept...