Alto EN

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Alto | A complete deck range



Alto decks come in 3 sizes. All decks are equipped with safety features and accessories that facilitate handling.
The AlphiSafe safety system can be mounted at ground level.
Retractable hoisting rings are built into the deck. The slinging procedure is completely safe, from laying on the ground to the definitive positioning of the deck.
Practical uses
The Alto deck can be used in various configurations and can serve as:
ƒ a work surface for workers,
ƒ a traffic surface for easier access,
ƒ a surface for receiving slab formwork such as TopDalle, MaxiDalle, etc.
ƒ a support zone for form panels and ballasts.

Site: Comurhex II
conversion plant
Client: GTM Sud,
SM Entreprise
Location: Narbonne






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